The Fusion Blog

select, a.date_added,, b.title, b.description, b.genre, b.page_seo_url, d.file_name, group_concat(convert(f.category_id,char(8))) as BlogCategoryID from blog a left join blog_details b on ( = b.blog_id and b.language = 1) left join blog_gallery c on ( = c.table_id) left join media_library d on c.media_library_id = left join blog_category_rel e on e.blog_id = left join blog_category_details f on (e.category_id = f.category_id and f.language = 1) where = 1 and b.page_seo_url = 'the-rock-n-rolling-piano-presented-by-andrew-pogson-of-fusion-talent-group' group by, b.title, b.description, b.genre,d.file_name,b.page_seo_url limit 1

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the Rock n Rolling Piano presented by Andrew Pogson of FUSION Talent Group

the Rock n Rolling Piano presented by Andrew Pogson of FUSION Talent Group

The Rock n Rolling Piano is a unique roaming grounds attraction that pairs well with the FUSION Talent Group bundle package of entertainment and attractions.   This roaming grounds attraction is wonderful for sponsorship and media attention.  Touring coast to coast, the rock n rolling piano is a wonderful surprise feature to add to your guest experience.  For further details email Andrew Pogson directly