The Fusion Blog

select, a.date_added,, b.title, b.description, b.genre, b.page_seo_url, d.file_name, group_concat(convert(f.category_id,char(8))) as BlogCategoryID from blog a left join blog_details b on ( = b.blog_id and b.language = 1) left join blog_gallery c on ( = c.table_id) left join media_library d on c.media_library_id = left join blog_category_rel e on e.blog_id = left join blog_category_details f on (e.category_id = f.category_id and f.language = 1) where = 1 and b.page_seo_url = 'rock-n-rolling-piano-presented-by-fusion-talent-group--agent-andrew-pogson' group by, b.title, b.description, b.genre,d.file_name,b.page_seo_url limit 1

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Rock n Rolling Piano presented by FUSION Talent Group, Agent Andrew Pogson

Rock n Rolling Piano presented by FUSION Talent Group, Agent Andrew Pogson

the Rock n Rolling Piano is a wonderful addition to any event seeking a novel grounds attraction to enhance their guest experience.  Presented by FUSION Talent Group /agent , Andrew Pogson this unique blend of audience engagement along with a wonderful social media attraction is a hit from coast to coast.  For more information visit and speak with Andrew Pogson